Friday, August 31, 2018


Last Thursday, our class had made a presentation on the role of agencies involved in tourism and hospitality in industry. We have formed 9 groups and selected one title for each group member. In each group have 2 or 3 members only.

My group is third and have 2 members. We've got PATA agency and should explain its role in tourism and hospitality in industry.

We describe PATA's history of who is the agency's founder. Moreover, the goals and objectives of the PATA are to further advance the aggression. Furthermore, activities carried out by PATA in tourism and hospitality in industry. Finally, the role of PATA agencies in the industry is to advance the tourism sector in terms of conference, marketing and research and development.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sectors of Hospitality Industry !

Hi guys, we are backkk. Today, we going to learn more about sectors in hospitality industry. As we know, tourism has a great potential in hospitality industry where a place without tourism can be called as a downgraded country. Why? Tourist from all over the world will travel just get the services that provided by the hospitality industry in their favorite places and will increase economy's profit. Now, lets look at sectors of hospitality industry :)


Image result for food and beverage industry
First and foremost, food and beverage. In hospitality, food and beverage is the largest element of the hospitality industry. It conclude of high-end restaurants, fast-food eateries, catering establishments and many other manifestations. The food and beverage trade can symbiotically function as part of other businesses, such as in bowling alleys or movie theaters.


Image result for accommodation
Image result for accommodation

Hotels, bed and breakfast enterprises and other places offering lodging represent a broad segment of the hospitality industry. The business should focus on providing lodging should integrate comfort, efficiency and attentive customer service as its foundation. When they feel appreciated and catered to, your guests will tell others about their experience and may become repeat customer.


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Lastly, a chief segment of the hospitality business is transportation such as airlines, trains and cruise. Flight attendants and cruise staff function as food servers and hoteliers in their efforts to provide food or drink and a comfortable experience. Business travelers and vacationers alike form the basis for this area of hospitality. Destinations such as amusement parks draw thousands of people, all of whom want to benefit from great customer service while enjoying a memorable adventure.

By having sectors of hospitality industry, tourism potential in economy will increase. That's it <3

NadiahKarim’ Carrier

This is the sketch of my carrier after the Dip of Tourism Management. Now, I am a kayakers, I need to focus on my carrier of kayak first because SUKMA 2020 is around the corner, after the SUKMA later, i can think about the next carrier of mine, but this is the imagine of my life and i will try hard to get what i want in my life. 

This is the beginning, of anything I WANT!

Everyone has the dreams they sketch and the dream they want to come true in the future. Same goes to me where I was started to realise when I was 10 years old that I was very interested in cooking. So I started my efforts to achieve that dream. Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan is a place of study that I sit in to obtain a diploma in the course of tourism does not look like my way in cooking right?

I know that everyone must be asking why it goes like that. It is because when I was studying in matriculation, I has met a counselor because it was a difficult decision whether to stay in matriculation or to take advantage in a polytechnic with course tourism. But the counselor was said after graduate in diploma, continue with degree in culinary. So when i applying a job it will be more easy to get because of having two knowledge that is related and the company will think twice if they want to fired me maybe.

After that, my plan was i will find a job that is suit with me according to what i have learned before. I will work as a chef in a exclusive hotel and maybe become a chef manager after 3 years who knows. I was hoping that I will look like person in the image. After crossing the target, I will try to open my own hotel which can increase the economy of this country.

I may marry after my finances are stable and I'm ready hehehe. After married i will start my new own business which will make me more relax and has time to spend with my family. I was plan to open my own bakery shop and be a big boss😁.

This was how my career opportunity looks like.


         Back then, I always wanted to travel alone by myself. There are many places inside or outside of the country that I would like to travel. There are many reasons to travel alone, from not having to coordinate with others schedules to getting to spend time doing only what interests you most. Plus, lots of activities that can make for exploring alone.  There are 3 places outside the country that I always wanted travel.

The first one is at Cayman Islands. Known for its friendly locals and outstanding cuisine, the latter of which has led many to call this island the capital of the Caribbean, Grand Cayman. The Cayman Islands has a tropical wet and dry climate, with a wet season from May to October, and a dry season that runs from November to April. Seasonally, there is little temperature change. This islands offer scuba diving and Cayman Islands is home to several snorkelling locations where tourists can swim with stingrays. The most popular area to do this is Stingray City, Grand Cayman. The stingrays started to associate the sound of the boat motors with food, and thus visit this area year round. Another attraction to visit on Grand Cayman is the Observation Tower, located in Camana Bay. The Observation Tower is 75 feet tall and provides 360-degree views across Seven Mile Beach, George Town, the North Sound, and beyond. It is free to the public and climbing the tower has become a popular thing to do in the Cayman Islands

Image result for cayman islands

Second place is located at Rome. Rome is capital city of Italy.  It is the fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population. It is the centre of the Metropolitan City of Rome. Rome is one of the most important tourist destinations of the world, due to an archaeological and artistic treasures, as well as for the charm of its unique traditions, the beauty of its panoramic views, and the majesty of its magnificent parks. Rome became a major artistic centre with forms of important Roman art such as architecture, painting, sculpture and mosaic work. Rome is a major archaeological hub, and one of the world's main centres of archaeological research. There are numerous cultural and research institutes located in the city.

Image result for rome

Lastly, the place that I really wanted to travel is located in Austin, Texas. Austin is the capital of the U.S. state of Texas. It's easy to get around Austin, whether you're driving, riding the bus or MetroRail, renting a bike or hiring a pedicab. This relaxed Texas city, known for its superb music scene and creative atmosphere, is a safe and exciting getaway for solo travelers. Visit one of 250-plus live music venues, have a drink on happening Sixth Street or walk or jog along the Ladybird Lake Hike & Bike Trail. If you have a car, drive outside the city to Texas Hill Country, which boasts historic towns and more than 20 vineyards.

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Career opportunity after graduate

Last week, our lecturer, Miss Ean Na, gave us an assignment about career opportunity in tourism and hospitality industry. We choose a job that we aspire to be someday.

I chose to finish my studies after graduation and had a diploma in tourism management, I wanted to be a tourist guide for a year in a travel company. This is because I want to feel like traveling to the world and bringing travelers to travel. Other than that, I would like to see their own way of life abroad.

After a year working as a tour guide, I would like to continue studying undergraduate degree in tourism management for 4 years. After getting excellent results and graduating, I aspire to be a manager in a travel company. This is because, if we want to get a high position, we need a graduate in a bachelor's degree

After I became my manager and financially stable, I would like to choose to get married with my future husband. After that, be happy family with husband and children.

My career as a travel company manager will continue to be implemented. but need to divide time into families and work

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Definiton of Beautiful is NATURE 🌄

Assalamualaikum and have a nice day everyone who visit my blog 😁. Jadi sebagaimana yang kamu semua lihat pada gif di atas, hari ni saya ingin kongsi satu topik berkenaan dengan kelas fundemantal saya pada minggu lepas. Pada minggu lepas, kami telah diberi tugasan sekaligus di bahagikan sama rata. Tugasan yang diberikan adalah untuk membuat satu pembentangan mengenai topik tarikan yang diberikan oleh pensyarah. Apa kena mengena topik tu dengan confidence level?
kaitannya adalah di mana apabila kita mencuba atau diberi tugasan untuk dibentang, ia dapat membina tahap keyakinan kita apabila di hadapan khalayak ramai. Ia juga merupakan satu praktikal jika kita selalu melakukannya, perasaan nervous mahu pun gugup lama-kelamaan akan hilang dan pudar. Eh lari tajuk pula hehe.

Dalam tajuk tarikan ini, kami telah mencari maklumat yang mana ia berkait rapat dengan kegiatan pelancongan. Kami di beri masa dan peluang untuk mencari maklumat sebanyak mana yang dapat. Jadi, saya telah mendapat tajuk tarikan dalam keindahan alam semula jadi. Alam semula jadi membawa maksud kepada satu status yang melindungi suasana atau alam sekitar dan menyediakan kemudahan supaya masayarakat atau pelancong dapat menikmati pemandangan yang ada di sesebuah negara. Seperti yang anda semua tahu, setiap negara mempunyai keindahan dan keunikan alam itu tersendiri. Alam semula jadi ini telah terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian iaitu pantai, gunung dan hutan tropika. Pantai adalah tempat di mana kita semua dapat merehatkan minda dengar mendengar ombak air laut, kejernihan air laut itu, dan pelbagai aktivit seperti menyelam, bermain papan luncur dan sebagainya. Antara pantai yang menjadi tarikan pelancong di malaysia adalah Pulau Pangkor yang terletak di Manjung Perak.

Perbezaan iklim yang berbeza telah mewujudkan pelbagai hutan yang berbeza dan kehidupan flora fauna yang unik lagi menarik. Malaysia terletak di garisan khatulistiwa yang kebiasaan nya dikenali dengan kelembapan sekali gus dapat menghidupan kehidupan fauna yang hanya terdapat di Malaysia iaitu tumbuhan raflesia.

Kita beralih pula kepada pergunungan yang menjadi tarikan kepada pelancong yang menjadikan aktiviti mendaki sebagai satu hobi. Dengan melakukan ini pelancong dapat merasakan cuaca yang berbeza dan menjamin kesihatan kepada mereka. Ia terbentang luas di atas alam semula jadi dan lebih besar dari bukit. Kawasan tinggi dan suhu di sekitarnya lembap menjadi antara faktor terdapat banyak pokok dan tumbuhan tropika. Selain itu mereka dapat melihat matahari terbenam dengan sendiri. 


Disini kami kongsikan sedikit video yang di tayang kan di dalam kelas mengenai keindahan dan mengapa perlu melancong ke Malaysia. So, enjoy the video 😊


Last week too, after we finished making the presentation, we all played the game namely, "Quizizz". this game is very fun because it tests our knowledge of tourism. We play this game twice. on the first game I got a point of 4090 out of 10000 points. I have also been able to answer 5 questions correctly & 5 questions answered wrong.

In the second game, we have also played the same game. but this time, I've got high points of 18680 out of 21000 points. I got 19 questions correctly and 2 questions answered wrong


Kahoot ialah satu permainan yang ada kena mengena dengan sesi pembelajaran dan ianya bagus untuk menarik minat pelajar untuk lebih menerokai bidang Fundamental Tourism & Hospitality .
Saya sarankan Miss EanNa buat game macam ini lagi apabila dalam sesi pembelajaran. Ini adalah pengalaman baru untuk saya bermain game yang ada kena mengena dengan pembelajaran.


Last week, DUP1A and DUP1B classes have made a presentation on the sector of tourism industry. Our group of 7 people has been able to headline the "Attraction". We are dividing tasks and listing what sub topics are in the title of attraction. our group became the second speaker. I have been able to sub topic that is historically. I told the reason why the historic place became a tourist attraction to foreigners. by doing this presentation, can train yourself to not feel nervous when speaking in public. In this way, we can find out the attractions of tourism. We can also acquire knowledge when listening to other groups presenting their titles.

Sambutan Hari Raya :)

Sebelum kelas kedua Fundamental Tourism & Hospitality, Politeknik Ibrahim Sultan telah mengadakan Sambutan Hari Raya. Kelas pagi Miss EanNa batalkan kerana memberi peluang kepada kami meraikan sambutan dengan seronok dan penuh riang. Disini, saya ingin berkongsi gambar saya semasa sambutan tersebut.

Quizizz & Blog

Untuk kali pertama , kami main Quizizz dan permainan ini memang sungguh seronok dan bagus untuk diteruskan dalam pembelajaran, Ianya menarik perhatian pelajar untuk mendalami lagi subjek " Fundamental Tourism & Hospitality" . Dalam permainan ini, saya dapat tempat kedua dalam kelas :)

Seterusnya, Miss Ean Na menerangkan lagi, apa yang perlu ada didalam blog dan memberi serba sedikit idea untuk dikongsikan didalam blog. Ianya memberi kami sedikit inspirasi untuk mengemaskini blog kami .

Culture in Tourism

Ada 4 budaya yang saya bentangkan semasa pembelajaran pada 26/7/2018 (KHAMIS).
- Kaum
- Makanan
- Pakaian
- Tarian

  • Kaum
    Image result for 3 kaum di malaysia

    Seperti semua sedia maklum, kaum yang popular di Malaysia iaitu;
    * Melayu
    * Cina
    * India

    Kaum-kaum tersebut mempunyai bahasa dan agama tersendiri. Disini saya ingin berkongsi sedikit ilmu kepada rakan-rakan.

    - Melayu
     * Menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan sebagai Bahasa Rasmi iaitu BAHASA MALAYSIA
     * Beragama ISLAM

    - Cina
      * Menggunakan bahasa HOKKIEN,
      * Beragama BUDDHA, KRISTIAN,

    - India
      * Menggunakan bahasa TAMIL,
      * Beragama HINDU

  • Makanan

    Image result for 3 makanan di malaysia Image result for kek bulan Image result for maruku

    - Melayu
      * Nasi Lemak
      * Lemang
      * Laksa
      * Ketupat
      * Rendang

    - Cina
      * Kek Bulan
      * Yee Sang
      * Dim Sum
      * Zong Zi

    - India
      * Muruku
      * Putu Mayam
      * Tosai
      * Nasi Beriyani
  • Pakaian
    Image result for pakaian tradisional      Image result for pakaian tradisional Image result for pakaian tradisional

    - Melayu
      * Baju Kurung
      * Baju Melayu
      * Baju Kebaya

    - Cina
      * Cheongsam
      * Samfu

    - India
      * Sari
      * Dhoti
      * Kurta
  • Tarian

    Image result for tarian tradisional malaysia Image result for tarian tradisional malaysia Image result for tarian tradisional malaysia

    - Melayu
      * Tarian Zapin
      * Ulek Mayang

    - Cina
      * Tarian Kipas
      * Tarian Naga
      * Tarian Singa

    - India
      * Kathak
      * Tarian Baratha Natyam