Wednesday, October 10, 2018

identify issue and trends in the tourism and hospitality industry

1. Issues and trends in the tourism industry

  • Be aware of the lack of trained personal. Because many tourism areas have grown rapidly there are too many locations where there is a dearth of skilled labor. Tourism needs people who are both inspired and well trained. Yet, too few people in the tourism industry speak multiple languages, are proficient in high tech computer skills or have a good knowledge of statistics. This lack of education and training creates not only numerous financial losses but also creates lost opportunities and the inability to adapt to new challenges.
  • The lack of truthful marketing. The lack of truth in marketing means that the public not only loses confidence in the industry but investors fear being gullible. Marketing has to be both innovative and true. Tourism is a highly competitive industry and requires good and innovative marketing that captures a place’s essence while making people aware of the locale’s tourism offerings
  • Sustainable Travel. Along with the rising consumer and industry interest in eco-tourism, tour operators and activity providers will need to incorporate ways to bring sustainability to the forefront of their offers. Many tourists are also choosing to visit destinations that will benefit the most from their tourist dollars. Travelers and the tourism industry are expected now more than ever to respect the environment and its biodiversity, as well as the people, local traditions and the culture of a destination.
  • Work and travel. Nowadays more employees than ever before have the freedom to extend professional business stays by a couple extra days or even weeks for personal trips. Extending a business trip by a few days will not be enough. Instead, working full-time or even part-time as a digital nomad for a month or more will become the next thing to do. Advances in online communication tools and professional co-working spaces in major cities around the world, it will be easier than ever to live and work in different destinations for longer periods of time



Terdapat 4 jenis cara untuk memenuhi kehendak tetamu agar dapat memberikan servis yang terbaik dengan cara mengaplikasikan prinsip islam iaitu :-

  • layanan / hospitaliti
  • Pemakaian
  • Adab / tatasusila
  • Servis
Melalui layanan sebagai pekerja atau staff di dalam industri pelancongan perlulah mengetahui asas servis yang baik dengan mngikuti khusus yang perlu di lalui terlebih dahulu supaya pelanggan atau tetamu lebih berpuas hati dengan servis yang diberikan. Salah satu hasil yang perolehi dari khusus tersebut adalah mereka akan menjadi lebih sopan dalam bertutur mahu pun dalam mengawal masalah yang timbul. Selain itu, Cara pemakaian mengikut prinsip islam adalah dengan memakai pakaian yang lebih sopan dalam melayani tetamu dengan cara menutup aurat ketika berurusan dengan tetamu. Di samping itu, adab menjadi keutamaan bagi umat islam atau dalam ajaran islam supaya dapat menampak kan lagi keindahan islam itu melalui industri pelancongan ini. Salah satunya adalah dengan sentiasa memberikan senyuman yang manis keran islam juga berpendapat bahawa senyuman merupakan satu sedekah dan sentiasa menghormati budaya dan agama tetamu yang meggunakan servis ini. Akhir sekali, servis yang harus diberikan kepada tetamu perlulah mempunyai penyediaan makanan yang halal agar mudah bagi tetamu islam menjamu selera dan juga menyediakan kemudahan yang berpandukan islam seperti surau.


Antara amalan yang diamalkan oleh negara Malaysia adalah kerajaan kita bercita - cita tinggi untuk menjadi kan industri pelancong lebih kepada islam punya konsep dalam kalangan islam di dunia. Dengan keupayaan yang kita ada kita sendiri dapat menampung keperluan umat islam di negara malaysia sendiri. Pensijilan perkhidmatan hotel di Malaysia telah diperintahkan oleh kemeterian pelancongam  Malaysia agar dapat melahirkn graduan yang profesional dalam menjalankan tugas. 

Monday, October 8, 2018


• In Islamic history, travelling by Prophet Muhammad to spread the Islamic teaching has encouraged 
Muslim tourists to travel to learn more about Islamic thought and civilization
• The concept of Islamic Tourism also can be considered as ‘ibadah and Da’wah where tourists travel 
from one place to another place is being seen as a blessing from God by avoid any wrongdoings during
the travel. Any other words it can also be translated as religious tourism, spiritual tourism and cultural 
tourism as well as the claims that characteristic of Islamic tourism itself are flexible, rational, simple and 
• Furthermore, an Islamic tourism concept also brewed with economic concept, cultural concept and 
religion conservative concept. Factors that need to be emphasized in promoting Muslim destinations 
include prayer time, Halal food destinations and travel tips on Muslim conduct.

Image result for islamic travel quote


• It aims at the expansion of tourism within the Muslim world, new tourist destinations and 
strengthening institutional and government cooperation inside the Muslim world.

Example : 
Malaysia put a lot of efforts in focusing the development of Islamic tourism and took
initiatives to organize the first OIC Global Islamic Tourism Conference and Exhibition. From the 
initiative, good relations between Islamic countries can attract more tourists and boost the economy.


• It focuses on Islamic topics in the organization of tourist programs and presents Islamic heritage sites, 
which Muslim tourists can visit.

• Example : The most significant thing is, Muslims perform Hajj and umrah. from there, they can see the 
culture of the Islamic community in Makkah. In addition, when a Muslim visits a relative who lives in 
another Islamic state, they can see the culture of Islam in the country they are visiting.


It aims at the adjustment of the tourist industries to the fundamental interpretations of Islam, including 
gender-segregated and alcohol-free venues.

Example : Through this concept, an Islamic state needs to provide a true Islamic lifestyle where they 
need to maintain the other Muslim sensitivities, such as providing a comfortable area especially for pray, 
providing a lot of halal food restaurants and local people who practice the Islamic lifestyle such as keep 
their aurat and provide an alcohol-free area.


- The effects or consequences that may happen in the future



Can keep your printed marketing costs low.

  Space comes with a price when you invest in printed marketing materials like 
brochures, catalogs, ads and signage. QR codes are a simple means to 
Image result for qr code with labeldirect an audience to more information about a product, service or 
promotion, while ensuring you don’t waste valuable print space on 
unnecessary details

QR codes can be used for anything and everything
• A librarian has developed an ingenious use for QR codes. He sticks a 
QR code on books that have been reviewed as a podcast by volunteer students. 
Once scanned, the code will take you directly to the podcast.

• Mobile users have to download a  QR reader app before they can even begin to use them.
• scanning can be a long process.
 Risk faced by the consumers. Consumers face the risk of getting virus through malicious sites 
or downloads on their smartphone.


lower fees and higher rates on average.
easily pay your bills, can transfer funds between accounts.
• It is available all the time. You can perform your tasks from 
anywhere and at any time.

• Databases store all user data and account information, if these servers 
are hacked, it could lead to financial and personal problems.
• These online transaction systems impose processing costs on the buyers and sellers as well.


• Automation - With all the information being available instantly,
Image result for ONLINE APPS people can look for whatever they want without talking to anyone
 about the same.
example : halal apps

Privacy breach and data theft- personal information and data 
being stolen and harvested by companies with lowly ethics.
The Internet is time-consuming - Time consumed by reading 
non-essential content.



Image result for WIFI
• An IT professional says the comparatively sluggish internet speed
 Malaysia is largely due to infrastructure issues. 
• This is because certain areas are not the target market of 
telecommunications companies ad might not even have towers 
to detect a signal.
• In Korea, they provide wifi without password for travelers in every 
area even in the village area.
• In Malaysia does not provide wifi for tourist


• CCTV in Malaysia is less sophisticated than in Korea.
• In Korea, they provide 24  hours of CCTV operating system in 
every area even in the village area.
• In Malaysia, the usage of CCTV is every hard to find in rural area.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


The recent economic crisis situation could potentially be utilized as an opportunity to introduce green investment in the economies. As governments devise a new international and national financial architecture to prevent future crises and find ways to jump start their economies, it is important to consider whether the post recession economies should still promote ‘brown’ economies with traditional  dependence on low energy efficiency, non sustainable energy resources, high material use, unsustainable use of ecological resources and a high degree of climate risk.

There is opportunity in the following trends and developments to provide a particularly promising space for greening tourism: 
(1) sizing and growth of the sector
(2) changing consumer patterns
(3) potential for addressing local development and poverty reduction.

2.2.1 Sizing and Growth of Sector
The tourism economy represents 5% of world GDP, while it contributes to about 8% of total employment, see table 8. International tourism ranks fourth (after fuels, chemicals and automotive products) in global exports, with an industry value of US$ 1 trillion a year, accounting for 30% of the world’s exports of commercial services or 7.9% of total exports (UNWTO 2010a; World Bank 2010). Domestic tourism represents on average 62% of total tourism consumption worldwide (UNWTO 2010c). With growing developing country participation, tourism has become a major contributor to their growth. In over 150 countries, tourism is one of five top export earners, and in 60 it is the number one export. It is the main source of foreign exchange for one third of developing countries and one half of LDCs (UNCTAD 2010).

2.2.2 Changing Consumer Patterns
Tourist choices are increasingly influenced by sustainability considerations. For instance, in 2007 TripAdvisor surveyed travellers worldwide and 38% said that environmentally friendly tourism is a consideration when travelling, 38% had stayed at an environmentally-friendly hotel and 9% specifically seek out such hotels, while 34% are willing to pay more to stay in environmentally friendly hotels (Pollock 2007). CEDS and TIES (2005) found that a majority of international tourists are interested in the social, cultural and environmental issues relevant to the destinations they visit and are interested in patronizing hotels that are committed to protecting the local environment, and increasingly view local environmental and social stewardship as a responsibility of the businesses they support. Choice experiments conducted in Uganda conclude that biodiversity attributes increase the willingness to visit tourism attractions, independently of other factors (Naidoo and Adamowickz 2005). Research also indicates that consumers are concerned about the local environments of their travel destinations and are willing to spend more on their holidays if they are assured that workers in the sector are guaranteed ethical labour conditions in the places they are visiting (ILO 2010b). On the other hand, Rheem (2009) argues that under a third of United States of America travellers indicate a willingness to pay some sort of premium for “green” travel with cost premium the most commonly identified barrier (67%).

2.2.3 Potential for Poverty Reduction and Social and Local Development
  • Poverty reduction
Tourism’s ability to create jobs, stimulate economic growth, provide foreign exchange, improve infrastructure, and promote environmental conservation makes it an attractive vehicle for poverty alleviation and local development. Through its poverty reducing potential and ability to protect and strengthen environmental assets, the tourism sector has the potential to make a substantial contribution to the achievement of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (UNWTO 2007a).
Tourism to poor countries is also growing faster now than it ever has before. Between 1990 and 2005, tourist arrivals to developing countries more than doubled to 326 million (UNWTO, 2006). Of the 924 million international travellers in 2008, 75% originated their holiday in the developed world, and 40% included a developing country in their itinerary.

Making tourism more sustainable can create stronger linkages with the local economy, increasing local development potential. Of particular and recognized importance (Hall and Coles 2008) are economic links with local communities, including purchasing directly from local businesses, recruiting and training local unskilled and semi-skilled staff, entering into neighbourhood partnerships to make thelocal social environment a better place to live, work and visit for all; as well as the ability to improve the local natural environment within its areas of direct and indirect influence (Ashley and others 2006).
The links between tourism and poverty alleviation are particularly relevant to Sub Saharan Africa, the poorest region in the world. The poverty rate in Sub Saharan Africa is just under 50% of the population, or 300 million people (with the threshold for extreme poverty is now US$ 1.25 a day) (UN 2008). 

The following examples illustrate the relationship between tourism and poverty alleviation in the Sub Saharan context:
• Cape Verde has transformed its economy from one of the world’s least developed countries to one of the top five best-managed economies in Africa. Tourism has been identified as a key driver of growth and poverty alleviation. Tourist arrivals have increased from 67,000 in 2000 to almost 285,000 in 2008 (Twining-Ward 2010). Despite its reliance on international hotels and imported food, most hotel employees are local and paid comparatively high average wages: € 289/month. The total non-management hotel worker income in Cape Verde is therefore about € 29.5 million – a significant and growing direct and indirect economic effect, as the money trickles down through the economy (Mitchell 2009).
• Rwanda, one of the poorest countries in the world, has also seen how tourism can be an agent of change. In 2008, gross domestic product per capita was US$ 464 in 2008 (IFAD 2010). Due to its large population of mountain gorillas, however, tourism is now contributing to improved incomes in Rwanda. In 2008, about 17,000 people visited the Volcanoes National Park (VNP) to see the gorillas, a large increase from the late 1980s and an impressive recovery from only 417 tourists in 1999 after the reopening of the park. In a gorilla naming ceremony called “Kwita Izina”, mountain gorilla babies born in the previous 12 months are named. The ceremony has been held each year since its launch in 2005 and attracts international celebrities and conservationists. Rwanda’s poor are beginning to feel the benefits of the increase in tourism. 5% of the park revenues are channelled into community projects such as education, water and sanitation, and food security in villages around the park. Employment opportunities are also offered to community members for guides, trackers, and anti-poachers. According to a recent World Bank study, nearly US$ 428,248 has been directly invested in community projects and used to empower communities. Key social benefits include the building of ten schools, 32 water tanks, ten community associations, and 3,000 households receiving bed night fees (Nielsen and Spenceley 2010).
• Kenya is home to over 359 different species of animals and 500 species of birds. Indigenous tribal groups also attract tourists from all over the world. Kenya also has a high level of urban and rural poverty. 50% of the population earn less than US$ 1.25 per day. Kenya’s tourism sector generated over KSh 56.2 billion (approximately US$ 760 million) in tourism receipts, and created over 498,000 formal and informal jobs in 2006 (Global Development Solutions, LLC 2008). Sun n Sand Beach Resort (SNSBR) is located in Kikambala, Kilifi District, one of the poorest districts in Kenya. Part of the mission statement of the resort is to look after the staff and the community of more than 20,000 people who live in the vicinity of the resort. SNSBR achieves this goal through tourist donations to the Sun n Sand Trust, resort donations, and by sourcing as much as possible from the local community. The resort built the Sun n Sand Community Center at its own cost. The community centre houses a subsidized primary health care centre, which sees 40,000 patients a year; a nursery school for 750 students; a place of worship; a free water facility supplying 5,000 l of clean water daily.

Further examples can be found in Jamaica. In 1996 the Farmers Programme began with ten farmers supplying two hotels. By 2004, there were 80 farmers supplying hotels across the island. Key elements are:
• Chefs and management teams visit farms and attend workshop days
• Farmers visit hotels to see how their products are used and why Sandals specifications are important
• A farmer extension officer assists farmers with production, as do other organizations such as the Rural Agricultural Development Authority


Hi, saya Nur Khairunnisa Nadiah Bt Abd Karim, untuk cuti mid sem saya bagi semester 1 ni, jadual hidup saya dipenuhi dengan “latihan” . Saya perlu fokus dalam latihan saya kerana SUKMA 2020, sudah nak dekat, pejam celik pejam celik lagi setahun lebih je (tolak cuti), Saya perlu perbaiki lagi skill dan teknik yang saya ada untuk mendapat yang terbaik dia kalangan yang terbaik.


Related image

- The Muslim population of the world is growing rapidly.

- The phrase Islamic tourism is frequently used to describe travel 
by Muslims for whom compliance with religious observances when 
away from home is an important consideration.


1. Increasing Currency 
 If more foreign tourists come to our country, foreign currency exchanges will 
actively work. When it is in operation , the value of the currency will 
increase in the world and it will increase the country’s economy.

2. Promote Job Opportunity
 As the number of tourists traveling is increasing, this has indirectly provided a 
great deal of employment opportunities to the local.

3. Build Good Relationship Between Muslim and Non-Muslim
Because of the attitudes of Malaysian people and Islamic aggression built among 
Muslims in Malaysia, foreign tourists have been attracted to Muslim people in Malaysia.

4. The Existence of Various Online Searches
A new website for Muslim travelers, which includes a global directory of halal restaurants 
and dedicated city guides, was launched recently in a bid to capitalize on the growing 
number of Muslim tourists.

5. Halal Food Industry 
Islamic tourism, of which Halal food is a critical component. To realize these opportunities, 
tourism businesses must understand the requirements of Muslim tourists and take the 
necessary measures to satisfy them without inconveniencing non-Muslim customers. 

6. Halal Certification Agencies
Malaysia is a reference to foreign countries in terms of Halal standards and certification 
because the systems used here conform to international standards in the context of shariah, 
purity, and security. This is enough to prove Malaysia’s halal industry and Malaysia’s halal 
compliance is recognized globally.

Image result for muslim travel quotes

Wednesday, October 3, 2018




  •  In order to provide good customer service, we need to know what we're selling, inside and         out.

  • When we are in a facing situation, a warm greetig should be the first thing our customer see and hear whe they ask for help.


  • Saying thank you to express our appreciate and after every transaction because it was the easest way to start a habit of good customer service.

  • Make sure you and other staffs have handling the customer service tasks in courteous and respectful.



Traveling (penghijrahan) in Islam is a purposeful activity that aims to achieve physical, social and spiritual goals. Finding the goal of activity in life is important for every human being between activities related to Islam is like doing umrah and hajj for the capable. Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam. When you perform umrah or hajj, you will see the greatness of Allah SWT to see the Kaaba. Also, you will see a different Muslim brother in one place in Mecca. In the holy land, besides performing worship, we can also pilgrimage places where in the past the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions to spread Islam.
There have three (3) things to achieve that aims is:

1. Physical

The physical goal leads to healthy and stress-free which subsequently lets Muslims serves God better. Traveling to another country that we have never been tracking is a new experience for us. Nowadays, people are too busy with their work so do not have much time to rest. Also, people nowadays are too obsessed with the world of gadgets. But, with this world of gadgets, people will know more interesting places and beautiful nature that can be used as recreational areas. In this sophisticated era, travel to another place reduces the pressure experienced by the Muslims, so when Muslims can go to a different place, the stress that is experienced will diminish in a healthy way and can further strengthen our relationship with God in the right way. For example of nature is Cappadocia, an area in Turkey where entire cities have been carved into rock, is pretty incredible on its own. 
2. Social

Islam encourages visiting Muslims brothers, as this helps strengthen the silaturahim (bond) among the ummah or Muslim community. Travel encourages all Muslims to visit the Muslim brothers around the world like China, Korea, Vietnam and others. In addition, we can see their culture and the way they spread Islam and their decency in that country. For example, how they celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Raya Aidiladha. Besides, we can see the beautiful mosque architecture and the implicit meaning of that mosque and history of the mosque. Also, we can feel the harmony of fellow Muslims in the country.

3. Spiritual Goals

The spiritual goal reinforces one’s submission to God through the beauty and the bounty of God’s creations, grasping the smallness of man reinforces the greatness of God and learning from mistakes. It for helping the Muslims that God existed in such a way that the evidence is on the surface of the earth like nature. For example, forests, beaches, islands, mountains, animals, plants and so on. Muslims must be grateful to God who has given us the convenience and benefits of becoming a Muslim and to make caliphs on this earth.
Every human has made a mistake and they need to correct the mistake. As a Muslim, Islam teaches us to stay away from what is wrong and do good for our actions in the hereafter. for example, a girl does not wear a hijab. The girl changes with wearing a hijab and that girl shun things that Allah SWT has forbidden.